The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility Care

The following glossary was developed in 2017 by a global panel of more than 100 multidisciplinary experts, professional organisations, and patient representatives to provide consensus agreement on 283 items and definitions. Published in Fertility and Sterility (FNS) and Human Reproduction (HR).
A printable version of the 2017 Glossary and more information on the methodology, and a list of previous compiled glossaries can be found here.


A state in which there is more than one karyotypically distinct cell population arising from a single embryo.


The presence of more than one nucleus in a cell.

Multiple birth

The complete expulsion or extraction from a woman of more than one fetus, after 22 completed weeks of gestational age, irrespective of whether it is a live birth or stillbirth. Births refer to the individual newborn; for example, a twin delivery represents two births.

Multiple gestation

A pregnancy with more than one embryo or fetus.
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